How to choose an injury lawyer

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Choosing a lawyer can be a difficult, overwhelming task, especially if you or a loved one has been seriously injured. How do you decide on your lawyer when there are so many options out there? Outlined below are five questions you should ask every lawyer to determine whether you are making the right choice for you and your family.

  1. Has the lawyer been to trial? It is crucial that you hire a lawyer with trial experience. Its true that the vast majority of cases will settle before trial. However, every case must be prepared as if it will go to trial to ensure the best result for you. Trial preparation begins at the first meeting you have with your lawyer, not months or years down the road.

  2. Will the lawyer I am meeting be the lawyer handling my case? Every law firm has a unique business model. Some firms find it is most efficient or profitable to delegate your case to a junior lawyer or a team of paralegals and clerks. This might not be something that you want.

  3. How much of the lawyer’s practice is devoted to injury law? Personal injury law is complex and ever changing. It is crucial that your lawyer devote a substantial portion of their practice to this area.

  4. How many cases does the lawyer carry? You may be surprised to learn that some lawyers carry hundreds of cases at any given time. You need to understand what time commitment your lawyer can make to your case. In cases of serious injury or death, that time commitment must be substantial.

  5. Who is referring your lawyer their work? The source of a lawyer’s referrals is telling. Are they referred clients by other lawyers, who have litigated cases with or against them and recognize their track record of success? Or are they getting their clients by advertising?

This list is by no means exhaustive. You should feel comfortable asking your lawyer any question you have. Lawsuits take years to resolve and your lawyer will be a big part of your life in that time. You must be comfortable and confident with your choice.

At QWK, we are available 24-7 for our clients. If you would like to learn more about our approach to injury cases, please contact us for a free consultation. We are happy to speak with you.

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